Ramnath Ramachandran

710 South Lytle Street · Chicago, IL 60607 · (312) 479-6388 · rramnath94@gmail.com

I’m a graduate student pursuing a Master of Science in Business Analytics (Data Science Major) at the University of Illinois at Chicago with 2.5 years of work experience as a Software Engineer at Accenture. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.

Over the years I have developed a strong background in the field of Machine learning/Advanced Statistics. I have a knack for analyzing large data and derive meaningful insights from it. I have gained sufficient hands-on experience in incorporating Statistical analysis/Predictive modeling to uncover hidden truths about the data. I have acquired a strong expertise in analytics tools like R, SQL, SPSS, Spark. In addition to it, I have a profound knowledge of computer programming languages that include Python, Java, C, C++, MATLAB. Also, I’ve mastered the art of visually analyzing chunks of data with the help of Tableau.

Over recent years, I’ve worked on multiple Data science and analytics projects comprising of data from various domains like healthcare, marketing, finance, etc. Recently, I delved into the field of Deep Learning and Natural Language processing where I got an opportunity to work on a summer research project on deep learning algorithms for natural language processing.


Summer Research

Machine Learning for Data Processing
Technology Used : NLP, Deep Learning| Python – Spacy, nltk, Pytorch

  • Working towards processing the online dictionary data of Merriam webster into operable data using intelligent computational models.
  • Performed pre-processing on the extracted dictionary data by chunking and tagging the data using nltk and Spacy tags.
  • Researching about intelligent Deep NLP techniques to experiment on the pre-processed Dictionary data.

May 2020 - Present

Software Engineer

Accenture Solutions Limited

  • This project is one among the accenture’s multiple projects with a leading Bank Corporation in the United states which is one of the primary clients for Accenture.
  • This involves end-end integration between various banking provider applications and customer applications.
  • Our goal was to design and develop a message-oriented middleware platform to provide the end to end integration support between applications distributed across various platform to communicate with each other.
  • Embedded Request Processor Integrator (eRPI) is a message-oriented middleware application based on Mulesoft ESB and Java web programming platform.
  • Successfully designed and engineered the Transformation and Routing module of eRPI framework.
  • Analyzed and organized client needs during the development stage by periodically collaborating with the help of the Agile software development model and Continuous Integration tools.
  • Performed data analysis on the performance of the eRPI application in the production environment with the help of the Splunk software.
  • Participated in all phases of project development, testing , deployment and support.
  • Successfully implemented the Application Request Management (ARM) ticket processing system for the client portal using Java web Interface and JDBC.
  • Performed data analysis on the performance of the eRPI application in the production environment with the help of the Tableau software tool.

August 2016 - June 2019


University of Illinois at Chicago

Master of Science
Business Analytics

GPA: 3.88

August 2019 - December 2020(Expected)

Anna University - Madras Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
August 2012 - May 2016


  • Business Data mining
  • Statistics for Management
  • Machine learning and Advanced Statistics
  • Analytics for Big Data
  • Business Data Visualization
  • Health Information Analytics
  • Data structures
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Java and Internet programming


March - May 2020


Technology: Text mining, Machine learning , Statistical analysis | Python, R, Excel

  • The goal of this project was to analyze and identify how the pediatricians around Illinois are reviewed online on various medical aspects.
  • Successfully incorporated Predictive analytics and text mining to examine pediatricians are reviewed online based on selected key aspects.
  • Performed sentiment analysis on scraped review text followed by a Semi-supervised topic modeling to calculate aspect-based scores for each pediatrician.
  • Built a regression model with the review characteristics against the overall star rating to evaluate the key factors affecting a Pediatrician’s rating score.

January - April 2020


Technology: ETL processing , Data analytics and Visualization | Python, Spark, Postgresql, Tableau

  • The goal of this project was to provide live event recommendations based on previous data on artists, their performance and popularity, and event details.
  • Extracted data on live music performances taken over a year from Spotify and MusicBrainz.
  • Performed data cleaning on the extracted raw data and persisted into a Postgresql database for further analytical processing.
  • Visually analyzed the loaded final data using Tableau to derive inferences like artists popularity in UK, popular venue to host, etc.

September - November 2019


Technology: Predictive analytics and visualization| Python, R, Microsoft Excel

  • The goal of this Project was to incorporate Data analytics techniques to analyze and understand the Online Customer activity at VMware solutions.
  • Performed comprehensive data analysis on the customer data to identify patterns that will help to improve personalized marketing for the company.
  • Developed a series of predictive models on the historical data to infer insights about the customer behaviour.

June - August 2020

Network Traffic Intrusion Detection

Big Data Analytics, Machine learning in Spark, Pipelines | Databricks, Python- Spark ML, Pyspark, mlflow, boto3

  • My goal was to develop machine learning model from the TCP dump data of U.S Air force LAN to predict whether the connection is normal or DOS attack.
  • The data which has been stored in Amazon S3 has around 5 million records. I created Spark cluster in Databricks environment to do Predictive analytics.
  • Successfully created Spark ML pipelines for the Random forest classification model with the help of Apache spark’s MLlib package and achieved F1 score of 98%.
  • Serialized the best working model into a bundle with the help of mlflow mleap format and exported the model for predicting other application.

September - November 2019

Predicting Net Promoter Score to improve Patient experience at Manipal Hospitals

Technology: Predictive analytics and visualization | R, Microsoft Excel

  • The goal of this project was to use Machine learning and analytics techniques to improve the overall Patient experience and enhance Patient satisfaction at Manipal hospitals.
  • The data which comprises of Questionnare and the ordered rating from the patients consists of lot of features which are fine-grained by using Feature selection techniques such as Step-wise logistic regression.
  • Machine learning techniques like RandomForests and Adaboost techniques are used for prediction with various performance measures being employed.

October - December 2019

Customer Churn Analysis for cell2cell

Technology: Supervised and Un-supervised Machine learning, Statistical analysis | Python, Microsoft Excel

  • The goal of this project was to inherit machine learning techniques to identify potential customers from a telecom company who will be churning out of the service.
  • Implemented various classification techniques to predict whether a customer would churn out of the company inorder to focus on Customer Retention management.
  • Parallely employed Regression models to predict the Monthly Revenue loss that a company would incur in losing a Customer to derive better insights.
  • Performed Customer segmentation using Clustering techniques in order to segment customers by profitability to help target Customers based on those profitable segments.

October - December 2019

Online News Popularity Analysis for Mashable dataset

Technology: Machine learning, Statistical analysis and visualization | Python, Microsoft Excel

  • The goal of this project was to incorporate Data analytics tool to analyze the popularity of new article on various categories.
  • Devised a predictive model to estimate the number of shares an article in the Mashable media website can get.
  • Performed analysis based on the different categories of articles to find out the popularity of each category of the article.

November - December 2019

Visualization of the performance of Alaska airlines

Technology: Data visualization | Tableau, Microsoft Excel

  • The goal of this project was to analyze and report about the various factors that are affecting the flight delay in the Alaska airlines.
  • Visually analyzed and compared the performance of the Alaska airlines based on data from the BTS (Bureau of Transportation Statistics) for the year 2018.
  • Identified the competitor airline and performed comparisons through visualizations based on flight delay metrics.

January - March 2020

Prediction of severity of Real-time Car accidents in United States

Technology: Predictive Analytics and Visualization | AWS- S3, Sagemaker, Docker, Python- sklearn, pandas, plotly

  • The goal of this project was to predict the severity of real-time car accidents and derive information about accident hotspot locations and identify the key factors influencing it.
  • Performed wide range of exploratory analysis and geo-spatial analysis to visually interpret hotspot zones and driving factors.
  • Developed machine learning techniques like Support vector machines and Logistic regression to predict the severity of accidents given various factors like weather, road and temporal data.
  • Deployed the best performing model Random forests into Amazon Sagemaker with the help of mlflow library and Docker container installed in the amazon EC2 instance.

March - April 2020

Recommendation on Amazon Fine foods

Technology: Machine learning, Big data analytics | Python- pyspark, scikit learn

  • The goal of this project was to develop series of Recommendation systems to recommend items to users based on various factors.
  • Implemented two collaborative filtering approaches one is based on user similarity using cosine similarity metric and other being the user-item similarity using Matrix factorization technique.
  • Developed an other recommendation algorithm that recommends items to users which has more popularity.

January - March 2020

Health Information Trends Survey Analytics

Technology: Machine learning, Statistical analysis and visualization | R language

  • The goal of this project was to analyze how often a person access his/her own online medical record based on their survey results.
  • The data is collected from results of survey conducted by the National institute of Health U.S on the online medical record access.
  • Implemented machine learning techniques to predict the number of times a person would have accessed his/her EMR in a span of an year.
  • With the help of the results identified the factors that influenced a person’s EMR activity like demographics, medical conditions, etc.

January - March 2020

Screening for Chronic Disease

Technology: Machine learning, Statistical analysis and visualization | R language

  • The goal of this project was to identify patient characteristics that are indicators of likelyhood of developing chronic kidney disease.
  • Performed exploratory analysis on 8,000 patient records containing information such as patient demographics and other clinical parameters.
  • Developed logistic regression algorithm to identify significant factors that contribute to development of chronic kidney disease
  • Addressed the class-imbalance problem by identifying suitable threshold for classifying a patient as 'likely to develop chronic kidney disease' using Receiver Operating Charateristics (ROC) curve and also considering precision/recall over accuracy to evaluate the model
  • This model can be implemented in hospitals as a screening tool to avoid prescribing unwanted tests and hence reducing healthcare costs.


Technical Skills & Tools

Core Competencies
  • Machine Learning
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Data visualization
  • Deep Learning
  • Text Analytics
  • Web-scraping
  • Big Data Analytics
Data Analytics/Visualization
  • Python
  • RStudio
  • SQL
  • Tableau
  • Spark
  • SPSS
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Java
  • C
  • C++
  • Javascript
  • HTML
Tools and Frameworks
  • PyCharm
  • Git/Github
  • Linux scripting
  • Jenkins
  • Apache Spark
  • Mulesoft ESB
  • Selenium
  • Mlflow
  • Docker
  • AWS S3
  • AWS EC2
  • Amazon Sagemaker
Database Tools
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python: pandas, numpy, scikit learn, Pyspark, keras, tensorflow, pytorch, plotly, seaborn, matplotlib, mlflow
  • R Studio: caret, tidyr, ggplot2, data.table, lubridate, forecast, car, MASS


  • Deep Learning Specialization by Coursera
  • Tableau Desktop Specialist
  • Applied Statistical Modeling for Data Analysis in R

Awards/Extra Curriculars

  • I was widely acknowledged by Indian daily magazines when I was 8 years old for my knack for finding the day of the week given any date between years from 1900 to 2050. I was even interviewed by a Local Television channel on a morning show to discuss the technique which I used to predict dates which involves simple but crazy math.